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ComedyCures is #1! Helping Listeners in 76 countries. Learn From Our Many Experts Below, and Let's Celebrate!

With 260+ daily episodes since 2023, there is a bite-sized strategy and a laugh to be discovered by every patient, survivor, and caregiver. See our Beating Cancer Daily podcast section below, or please join us wherever you enjoy podcasts.

Our #1 ranked podcast is helping listeners on 6 continents. Please share Beating Cancer Daily with someone you love.


Jacqui Bryan, RN, CNS, WHE, CHC, MS

ComedyCures Health Builder Contributor

Love Your Liver


1. Our liver is the most overworked and often underappreciated organ in the body. It is responsible for over 400 body functions! Here are some tips to show your liver some love. 

2. Consume BEETS. Beets have betaine, which helps the liver cells clear toxins and protects the liver and bile ducts from damage. Raw, roasted or juiced, you can’t beat beets .

3. Your liver really loves greens, especially herbs like cilantro and parsley, and bitter greens like mustard, dandelion, and arugula. Add them to salads, soups, or smoothies. Your taste buds will adjust to the bitter bite in no time and your liver will thank you for the support.

Hope to see you Monday June 3rd for our free live "Love Your Liver" Health Builder workshop, on Zoom, to discover more connections that may be helping or hurting your health. (Plus, a few laughs from ComedyCures!)

Sign up for our free wellness workshop and live Q&A!

Upcoming Topic: "Love Your Liver" on Zoom with Jacqui.

Hosted by Saranne Rothberg.

Date: June 3rd, 2024 at 7 PM ET. Click here to RSVP.


Dr. Katherine Grill, Ph.D.,

ComedyCures Neuroscience Contributor

Social Support

Social support is a crucial aspect of your health. Having people to fall back on during times of stress can help you reach your goals and get through crises. Social support also decreases your risk for cardiovascular disease and depression. So next time you get an invite, don't stay home - go out and have fun!

Illustration by: Michael Morse and Mark Crumbs

Neil Berliner, ComedyCures Comedy Contributor

A Day from HaHa History (#1 Joke Book on Amazon)

May 1867: Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel patents dynamite, the first of three patents he would receive for the explosive material. To boost sales, he immediately gets on the horn to hire celebrity spokesman Jimmy “JJ” Walker.

Authors: Joey Novick, Neil Berliner, Michael Morse, Ron Beau Phillips


Kathy Poodiack, PA, ComedyCures Editor, and Mind/Body Contributor

The Power of the Subconscious

The subconscious mind is the seat of our emotions, memory, beliefs and instincts. It allows us to do things we don’t have to think about, but we can alter them if we choose to. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist, “When it comes to sheer neurological processing abilities, the subconscious mind is more than a million times more powerful than the conscious mind. If the desires of the conscious mind conflict with the programs in the subconscious mind, neuroscience has now established that the conscious mind runs the show, at best, only about 5 percent of the time. It turns out that the programs acquired by the subconscious mind shape 95 percent or more of our life experiences.”


Ellen Thur, Organic120

ComedyCures Food Education Contributor

Secrets of a Fun Kale Salad

Dressing Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup olive oil

  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar

  • 2 tsp dried Italian herbs

  • 2 cloves garlic minced

  • 1 1/2 tsp Dijon

  • 1/4 tsp black pepper

  • 1 pinch kosher salt

  • 1-2 tablespoons honey

  • two splashes of balsamic and two splashes of apple cider vinegar (lemon spritz to taste before serving)

Salad Ingredients

  • Kale

  • Carrots

  • Cabbage

  • Scallions

  • Optional Top of the Salad:  Cup of pomegranate seeds, cranberries, toasted pecans or walnuts, raisins, clementine pieces.


Remove the ribs from two flat or curly kale heads. Put it in your food processor and chop up kale into small pieces. Drizzle some olive oil on the chopped kale. Sprinkle some salt and massage it all in then drizzle some honey. 

Then separately, chop carrots, scallions at least one bunch, and a half of a medium red cabbage shredded in the food processor. 

Put all into the fridge. You can do this part 2 hours before serving the salad so it becomes easier to eat and digest. Before serving, mix all the above ingredients together, toss and add vinegar and lemon to your taste.



Want More Beating Cancer Daily?

Please share the above "Beating Cancer Daily" episode with a patient, survivor, caregiver, or healthcare worker that you love! Join our supportive global community and listen daily to explore our 260+ episodes wherever you enjoy podcasts or on our ComedyCures website for helpful strategies. You can even make a donation to support the podcast in a listener's honor!

Check Out The AACR's "Believe In Progress" Videocast Featuring ComedyCures

Did you know that Saranne won an AACR Scientist + Survivor Award? She was asked to present our groundbreaking ComedyCures research and it was published by AACR!

The American Association for Cancer 

Research’s “Believe in Progress” Videocast’s Host Mitch Stoller sits down with Stage IV Cancer Survivor Saranne Rothberg for a dynamic conversation about humor in health care and cancer research, philanthropy, early detection, survivorship, and the instant success of her podcast, “Beating Cancer Daily.”


Several ComedyCures Upcoming Events

  • June 3rd, 2024 at 7 PM ET: Fun Health Builder Series "Love Your Liver" on Zoom with Jacqui. Hosted by Saranne. Click here to RSVP.

  • Everyday: Beating Cancer Daily. Wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • May 31 - June 4: ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.

  • June 2024: It's National Cancer Month. Discover our ComedyCures TumorHumor.

  • Everyday: ComedyCures LaughLine. 1-888-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha (888-424-2424). Free 24/7.

  • Every Month: Finding The Funny Program with infirmed nuns.

  • Every Month: Writers Room

  • Everyday: Find us on Social Media @ComedyCures


Have a question for our experts or a topic request for our programs? Please click the "write us" button below and share your experience, tips, and suggestions with us.

Thank you, Saranne.

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